Metal cabinet

metal cabinets


Metal cabinets for built-in manifold, with adjustable incorporated feet and all-purpose conduits, complete with all the accessories for manifold mounting, no brackets included.
Product code Description Size(mm) Box(nr) profondita
TB10010005 Galvanised metal cabinet - 500 mm 500 1 110
TB10010007 Galvanised metal cabinet - 700 mm 700 1 110
TB10010008 Galvanised metal cabinet - 850 mm 850 1 110
TB10010010 Galvanised metal cabinet - 1000 mm 1000 1 110
TB10010012 Galvanised metal cabinet - 1200 mm 1200 1 110
TB10020005 Galvanised metal cabinet - 500 mm 500 1 80
TB10020007 Galvanised metal cabinet - 700 mm 700 1 80
TB10020008 Galvanised metal cabinet - 850 mm 850 1 80
TB10020010 Galvanised metal cabinet - 1000 mm 1000 1 80
3STAFCOL3 Two support brackets for collectors 1" for cabinet, depth 80mm

Quoted Design


Product code A(mm) B(mm) H1(mm) H2(mm) L(mm) P(mm)
TB10010005 562 532 470 620-760 500 110-150
TB10010007 762 532 470 620-760 700 110-150
TB10010008 912 532 470 620-760 850 110-150
TB10010010 1062 532 470 620-760 1000 110-150
TB10010012 1262 532 470 620-760 1200 110-150
TB10020005 562 532 470 620-760 500 80-120
TB10020007 762 532 470 620-760 700 80-120
TB10020008 912 532 470 620-760 850 80-120
TB10020010 1062 532 470 620-760 1000 80-120